Shoplifting and employee theft are a serious issue for retail shop owners. Thieves and unscrupulous employees can eat away at the profit margins of a retail business and eventually cause higher prices to make up for the losses. The entire community suffers the consequences and the crime becomes a burden on the business owner and the honest shoppers as well. Retail security is a necessity.
Traditionally business owners went to the police for protection. The volume and frequency of the crimes made it almost impossible for the Police to provide the adequate answer to this rampaging problem. Thieves are not shy when shoplifting. They constantly improvise and come up with new angles to shoplift undetected. It is practically impossible for a shop owner to control this situation with simple methods. Sophisticated monitoring electronic systems are required and vigilant surveillance is essential.
We, therefore at. “SUPER STAR SECURITY “has also become more concerned and extremely vigilant about security in public places and in businesses. Our guards not only protect lives but also play an important role in protecting valuables. Our armed or unarmed guards and security officers will watch the doors, position themselves in critical spots for surveillance, monitor cameras and if necessary apprehend the thieves. Our clients know they can depend on us to be proactive and highly professional.